Integration of corporate social responsibility in business model provides a company with an opportunity to do something socially relevant and be accountable to society at large.
Wifiltronics firmly believes in such a self-regulating business model. We are company that want to enhance society by way of creating a positive impact. We stand by the principle of “Giving Back to the Society for a Better Tomorrow”.
For over 2 decades Wifiltronics has been spending 12% of its pre-tax profits every year for benefit of the weaker sections of our society.
Apart from money and resources, our directors and employees are directly and actively involved in managing many such initiatives under different banners.
Bapuji Childrens Home and Old Age Home
Our Chairman, Mamata H.Gupta have been managing these institutions for over 25years in the respective capacity of Honorary secretary and honorary treasures.
She spend time daily at these centres to ensure smooth and safe operation. Wifiltronics provides support to these institutions by way of maintenance and administrative help.

Glo Tec Industrial Training Institute
With an objective of “Skilling Indian Youth” this technical training institute was setup in 2007 in 2 acres area.
Trainees at Glo-tec are chosen from a select group of youth, whose parents have generally not gone to any school but who dream to have their children achieve what they could not with a hope that this technical education for their child will ensure an improved standard of living for the whole family.
Training at Glo Tec is career oriented and industry relevant by combining theory and practice with real live “Hands on Experience” throughout the two year courses.
Hari Murari Charitable Trust
Our beloved grand parents Late B.D. Gupta and Late J.C.Gupta in memory of their parents established Hari Murari Charitable Trust(HMCT) in 1991 with main objective as “Educational Support for the Underprivileged”.
In its beginning years, basic literacy in Kannada was the need of the hour and thus its focus was in running literacy centres and a sewing training centre for unschooled women from the slums in Mysore.
Over the years its activities have expanded into, awarding scholarships to children of widows and deserted and single parent women and aid to other government and non-government organization working in the field of education, orphan-care, and homes for the elderly and physically and intellectually challenged people.
Wifiltronics is providing on-going support for the activities of this trust.
Some of the projects developed by HMCT are as follows.
- 2009: Donated Table and desks for students-Gov. High School, Hebbel Mysore worth Rs. 70 Lakhs.
- 2011: Constructed toilet Blocks at Vivekananda Girls School, Managoli, Bijapur District at the cost of Rs. 12 Lakhs.
- 2011: Replaced roof of Govt. Primary school, Srirampura Mysore at the cost of Rs 4 Lakhs.
- 2011: Constructed toilet Blocks at St. Theresa School, Madapura village, Chamarajanagara dist., for the cost of Rs 4.50 Lakhs.
- 2011: Established Gaonkar Memoria Dialysis centre at Bapuji Anand Ashram, Mysore for Rs. 60 Lakhs.
- 2013: Constructed state home for women buildings at vijaynagara, Mysore at the cost of Rs.90 Lakhs.
- 2016: Constructed High School Building at Keregodu village, Mandya district at the cost of Rs. 100 Lakhs.
- 2020: Donated LPG based mobile cremator at the cost of 11Lakhs.
- 2007 onwards: Running Glo tech private Industrial Training institute for under privileged students.
- 2018 onwards: Running JC Gupta Memorial Women’s Home to empower underprivileged women.